One Sheep Podcast

Run Christian Run !!!!

Frank Atwood Season 1 Episode 12


“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;”

 Severe Alert

Austin, Tx 

The Democratic Police are looking for Two Fleeing Escaped Christian’s Do not attempt to engage the men. Call the authorities on sight…


What will you do when the National alert system is used against you, the Christian? I know… I am being overdramatic, right? Or….am I?  


“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;” This and more on the One Sheep Podcast… 

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“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;”


Severe Alert

Austin, Tx 

The Democratic Police are looking for Two Fleeing Escaped Christian’s Do not attempt to engage the men. Call the authorities on sight…


What will you do when the National alert system is used against you, the Christian? I know… I am being overdramatic, right? Or….am I?  


“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;” This and more on the One Sheep Podcast… 


If you think I am overreacting. Let us examine some of what is going on in society right now.  Let’s start with your favorite Social Media.

Today, many social media sites and News Agencies carry stories of immorality. Theologians and pastors are quoted as condoning sexual immorality under certain circumstances, just look at how far the Methodist church has fallen.

 The Bible says Isaiah the prophet, prophesied as much for the present day, as he did for his own. One prophecy that appears to be aimed at the present is his warning: (Isa. 5:20.)   "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" 

 Satan will lull many people away into carnal security; others he will flatter, or say there is no hell. He has lured and enlisted many followers with enticements of fame, riches, and power. He forges a Rembrandt-quality representation by calling evil good and good evil. He has confused many people, even nations and leaders, to the point of an immoral approach to moral issues.

"Let me mention just three examples of Satan's many proclamations. First, he says individual agency is justification for the destruction of human life through abortion; second, same-sex relations and even marriages are acceptable; and third, chastity and fidelity are old-fashioned and narrow-minded free sexual expression is acceptable.

"At this very moment, international heroes in sports, music, and movies not only live immoral lives but teach that immorality around the world through the powerful influence of media and social media. Do not all lives matter?  These athletes are idolized and accepted by millions worldwide, and the world in general seems to have lapsed into a coma of unrighteousness. 

 Honesty was once the hallmark of character. But it has been set aside with an “It’s all right as long as you don’t get caught” philosophy.   How did we get our values so mixed up? How did we fall into this trap of Satan’s? For one thing, we’re shortsighted. We look for shortcuts to happiness. Our lust for immediate pleasure prompts us to think of evil as good.  In our desire to achieve success quickly, it is easy to get our values mixed up and call evil good and good evil.

Evil seems to be respected in this present culture.  People keep accepting the false promises of politicians who have been in office for 47 years and have fixed nothing yet blame everything under the sun on a businessman who has been in office only three years?  

Pharmaceutical Advertisers lie about new drugs and then are constantly settling lawsuits six months later.  In other words, they make Billions to payout millions. Sort of like me giving you a dime back for every dollar you give me…who wins? 

Beloved 90’s TV personalities being jailed over college admission scandals, and the usual exaggerations in conversations are the common immoralities of our times. We no longer blush, and we’re no longer shocked by the immorality that’s going on around us. “Woe to those who call evil good!”

How easy it is to place the blame on others, on circumstances, or on fate. From Adam, who said: “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate,” to a member of the Senate who said: “I was set up by the hair salon,” we excuse ourselves.  We call evil good.

So how much longer will they tolerate you and me? I saw a recent sign held by a protester in California that said keep GOD out of California; even as the state is burning to the ground they cannot see the truth.  I submit to you I believe the first state in the union to go after Christians aside from wedding cake bakers in Oregon, will be California.  

Think about it? People are being jailed for college admission board scandals, Blue states are releasing convicts and jailing citizens for paddleboarding all alone, or playing with their children in a public park also alone.  What will stop them from coming for you and me next? 

Unless GOD removes the scales from their eyes through our prayers, it is only a matter of time.  If you disagree with what I have presented in this podcast I pray Jesus removes the scales from your eyes.  You know Paul was the chief persecutor of Christians before finally coming to the Lord, and Christ can do the same for you. 

In (Acts 9:6) When Paul heard the voice, he said: “Lord, what do You want me to do?” Jesus Christ is calling you out of a world of delusion and deception in which evil is called good, and good is called evil.  Will you answer the call…